
You're Pulsing! We version every game release based on the Quality Requirements section. Now it is time to put it out there.

Each game update you make or bug fix you implement creates a new release of that game. We monitor its release version and changelog for those changes, so make sure the release is well documented to ensure it passes our tests.

Release Verification

Each new release undergoes our validation process to confirm the changes you made, allowing us to ensure the game still adheres to our guidelines.

Test Your Release

As mentioned in the Developer Account section, every Puls user is also a game publisher. Therefore, to test your games and their releases, you can access them through the Puls application. Whether you use Puls on desktop or mobile depends on the platform your game has been registered for.

If you want to display your games and do not see them yet, go to your account page and click or hold on your username for 5 seconds. A new tile should appear—My Games. Now you can see all your games from all organizations and test each release.

Ready to Go Public?

If your release has been tested and you'd like to publish it to gamers, go to the Developer Portal and publish the release. Remember, we review the changelog to monitor the changes and validate the release. Once it is verified, the release will be accessible to gamers.


In case there is a serious issue with your game release and you'd like to roll back, you have up to 10 releases to register and switch between. Make sure that the changes between releases do not include breaking changes, as it is your responsibility to manage this.

You're our Rock Star! Let's make the planet play!

Version: 0.1.0

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Puls Games © 2024